How to discuss sex toys with friends?
Sex is an important part of our lives and love relationships. Talking about it with your friends is of great importance. The sex life of several people involves the use of sex toys. But people are not ready to talk about their use of sex toys. They feel uncomfortable when the conversation turns to sex toys and their use. Even if they are very close friends, people hesitate to talk freely about this topic. Friends are the closest people in our lives. We can share everything with them freely. They can give us good advice that suits our interests.
The sex toy industry generates fifteen billion dollars a year. Their use is completely normal and healthy. They are a common item and their demand is increasing day by day. So, it is quite normal to talk about sex toys with your friends. It can be an interesting topic and you can enjoy different opinions based on different experiences of your friends. If you discuss the use of sex toys and share your experiences with each other, then you will all learn and benefit from this discussion. So, try to initiate the discussion and engage with it to gain more knowledge.
So how do you approach the topic of sex toys when it comes up in a discussion with friends? Here are some tips:
Maintain your comfort levels
Having a discussion or conversation about sex toys, even with their close friends, can get difficult. It also depends on whether they use sex toys and how they approach the topic. Even if you feel comfortable with it, your friend might not. For this reason, understanding the extent to which someone feels comfortable helps to open up and talk about their beliefs and experiences. It is important to respect each other's comfort level. We should discuss it in a way that all of our friends can easily talk about it. If they feel comfortable, they will be able to share their experiences more freely, such as what they like or what they don't like. To keep the conversation in an open mode, listen to everyone's opinion about their use with an open mind.
Also, everyone will talk about sex toys within their comfort zone. Some will talk about sex toys very openly, while others will be shy. But it is necessary to respect everyone. There is no reason to make fun of them or embarrass them. In both situations, people should remain respectful of others, whether they use sex toys or not.
Meet them where they are
Sometimes people find it difficult to talk openly with friends about sex toys and how or why they use those toys. Therefore, it is best if you understand what is considered OK to talk about. Some are even embarrassed by the subject itself and refuse to talk about it. You need to understand them and not force them to join the discussion. If you are starting a discussion about a sensitive topic like sex toys or sexual activity, then a perfect thing you can do for your friends is to meet them where they are.
Sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where one of your friends is open about sexual activity and the use of sex toys, while another friend is hesitant to discuss these things openly in this way.If you are stuck in this situation, you need to take the role of a moderator and keep the conversation on the middle track to respect both friends. Also, you should respect what the others find to be okay or not. We need to learn some rules and hope that we can bring everyone to the same level and keep everyone happy. It is our moral duty to respect people's opinions about their likes and dislikes on a particular topic.
Avoid being judgmental
Your boyfriend or girlfriend has his or her own experiences. Maybe your boyfriend is just a beginner or uses sex toys for a specific purpose. Sometimes it is important to hear each other's stories. Chances are you may have your own opinion on the subject, but sometimes just listen to the others' opinions. Let them talk about the subject in their own way. If you listen to someone's story and don't judge, you will encourage them to share more. You need to sit idly and let them share their thoughts and experiences on anything.
A good friend must not be judgemental towards his friends. A friend can listen to each other's experiences without making rude comments and judgements. Also, try to avoid phrases and words that give the impression that you are criticizing and judging them. Do not use words like "do this" or "you should", these words sound forced and dominating. You are their friend so you should respect them for who they are. Always keep in mind that maybe a product works well for you but your friend did not have a good experience with it. So tolerate his or her opinion and if possible you can recommend him or her some good companies like Tantaly or zlovedoll recommend so that he or she can buy high-quality sex toys.
Be honest about your experiences
If you open up freely with an honest experience, a friend will also open up freely, and you can get meaningful guidance. It is a fact that if you explain your experience with honesty, people will open up more to you and describe their experience. Moreover, everyone has their preferences and comfort level. Maybe a sex toy that is perfect for you is not so great for your friend. Talking to your friends is a chance to share about different sex toys and their brands. You can share your experience with the sex toys from different companies and tell them that they can buy popular products from them. You can also expand your knowledge on this topic and learn about other products and their effects. You can all learn from each other. There is a chance that someone is looking for the sex toy that you find useless. Moreover, you can guide someone in the right direction after sharing your true opinion and your own experience with that sex toy. Undoubtedly, telling your friends how you use a particular sex toy and what results you get from it is helpful. Indeed, this discussion will help all people.
Support your friends in their decisions
If you support your friends in their decisions, they will feel confident.As a friend, you must support your friends and help them become happier and more satisfied with their love life. If your friend is hesitant and embarrassed to share his experiences, you must support him. You should encourage your friend to be open about his needs and experiences. Also, it is good to experiment, but only to the safe end. In fact, it is very important that you support your friend in making the perfect choices in his life, including sex toys and sexual activities.
When a person needs help, a friend must be there to help or support him to become happy. Similarly, sex life is also an important part of our life. If we are not happy and satisfied with our sex life, we will not do well in our other activities of life.
The topic of sex and sex toys may be uncomfortable for you, but it can give you more information and it is also a good way to bring you and your boyfriend closer together. The most important thing is to offer support and help to your friends. In addition, if you talk and discuss sex and sex toys openly, then your friends will also be motivated to talk about it. They will increase their confidence to share their problems and questions related to sex toys.
Whenever you start a discussion about sex toys, you should also talk about their quality and safety. As a friend, it is your moral duty to share hygiene and safety tips with your friends. Always bring up the topic of sex toy material in the discussion. Encourage your friends to read the material note on the sex toy package before buying it. You should avoid using porous and cheap sex toys. Always buy branded sex toys from good companies, such as Tantaly, etc. In this way, you help your friends live an emotionally satisfying life.
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